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Stop Copy Cats And Track The Content Copying From Your Blog

If you are a good blogger and you write quality articles. but most of the copy cats just simply copies the blog contents from other blogs and posts it in their blogs. so In order to find the copy activity, the data which is copying from your blog, you need to have a service enabled for your blog. so in this post i would like to introduce you a service which traces the amount of copy activity and social sharing activity of your blog posts.

how to trace copy activity of blog posts ?

we can trace copy activity of blog posts using Tynt.
Tynt is the service which trace the copy activity of your blog contents when ever a visitor copies any content or picture from your blog.

Services offered by Tynt :-

Tracing amount of copy activity from your blog:-
Tynt will trace which data is copying from your blog and how many times it is copied. It will also creates a link to your blog at the end of the copied content, when anyone copies any content from your blog. so if any one copies content from your blog, then a link to your blog will be generated at the end of the copied content and you will get more visitors through that link.

Tracing search keywords of visitors from search engines:-

Tynt will trace all the search keywords. it will trace the keywords of visitors who arrive to your blog by searching in search engines like google, yahoo, bing etc.

Tracing the outbound keywords of your visitors :-

Tynt will trace all the outbound keywords of your blog. It mean when a visitor arrives to your blog and then immediately if he search for anything in search engines, then Tynt will display all those keywords in your account. by using this service you can know what your visitors are expecting from your blog, and then you can post those articles in your next post and satisfy your visitors.

Tracing top Engaging content :-

Tynt will trace the top engaging contents of your blog. This will be generated according to the number of page views and the number of copies from the blog post.

Tracing Social sharing activity of your blog :-

Tynt will trace the social sharing activity of your blog posts by your visitors. It mean, it will trace how many times your blog posts are shared in social media like facebook, twitter, google+ etc.

How to register for tynt ?

You can register for tynt by using this link. Sign up for Tynt using the above link and paste the Tynt tracking code in your blog. So finally I promise you that Tynt will satisfy you with its services. sign up to Tynt and check its performance and share your views about this service in comments. hope you enjoyed this article. please help us a bit by sharing this article.

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7 comments to ''Stop Copy Cats And Track The Content Copying From Your Blog"

  1. Great Great Great yaaar, Superb,Thank You Very Very Much,

  2. Informative Post Dude. We can Also Add a ReadMore link when Some one copies our Content by Using TYNT

  3. thats the good news.but are you sure tynt can built link to copy content to original content? if answer its yes, but how?thanks.

  4. hello nuwam tanq for your comment. It can build a link to the original content from the copied content. if you have any doubt, just copy some words from our blog and paste it in a notepad or any other text editor. at last you can find link to our blog mentioned as read more. check it.

  5. thanks bro, for your quick reply..please tell how to useful tynt for image site?

  6. Hmmmmm Nice Post.. Hello Srinath How did u Create the Logo Of your blog

  7. @nuwam

    sorry for delay. there is no need to use it for image site. just register in tynt manually. it will automatically trace the images which are copying from your blog.


    Tanq for your comment. I created the logo using photoshop.
